Social Media 3/15/24

Social media is a fun topic when ignoring the sinister side effects. It is the basis for internet connectivity and digital sharing and transforms the age of information into a new realm. I was assigned to register for two social media accounts that I have not used before, and one of them is conveniently this site! I love how creative other users are with their webpage, and I personally find one of the greatest pleasures of the internet to be pictures. Not just "memes" or recycled comedy that will be looped to oblivion by the phenomenon of repetitiveness, but images that I would call "artifacts" and are enjoyable to view like eye candy. The best images are those that have been augmented by the assistance of technology.
Take for example the following image, maybe someone could help me categorize this to a genre? I know it is art, everything is, but what kind?

This could also just be called digital art, but that's the magic of it - I cannot define and encapsulate all these magical images/trinkets into a category and yet they feel so valuable. Take a look at this amazing neocity webpage, it is literally an archive of magical images. I hope that many more people share the same interest in magic/rare images as I do, and no I really do not mean NFT bros. I want beautiful art to be free and subjective to the person who seeks it - may they find their hidden gem.