Web 2.0 4/12/24

Web 2.0, the modern era of the internet. I'd like to think that it turned out pretty great, it's become a holy grail of new endless possibilities. However, where there is light there is also darkness. The Web 2.0 world has been figured out by big tech conglomerates that run the show, and now it's simply a spoiled apple, in need of a new fruit to take its place. I have heard of good things from Web 3.0, but it doesn't seem like it will come to fruition anytime soon, and who knows if it will at all? So far, the idea for Web 3.0 has been drawn up by the same people who want to gamble all their money at casino vendors, so I don't want to take "cryptocurrency" into account for the new internet just yet. At least, that's what the narrative has been shifted to. How can we think through the lenses of what people had in the past? What was Web 1.0 like?

We have countless of articles talking about the same jargon over ,


and over

they all say the same thing.
"Web 1.0 has limited potential" - some nerd at microsoft
Sure, it had its limitations, but the lack of interactivity means that platforms will have a really hard time collecting any sort of data from their userbase. Static websites mean far less attack vectors for cyber attacks. It also means that site-creators will be shared through word of mouth The UI design of Web 1.0 was so nostalgic and genuine. Just take a look at what Web 2.0 has done to the first web-site to ever exist, compared to its original form as a terminal based site.

Everything about its format has been stripped away to fit the modern agenda. I hope that more people realize that we are the product when we use big tech sites that hold data centers filled with information about you. On thing to take away from all of this, however, is that there is a way to evolve away from this barren wasteland. Similar to the idea of Tor and peer-to-peer networks, having a way to create a server that has no endpoint is the only way to evolve. You are used to thinking of a server as being hosted by one entity, when in the grand scheme of things, it should be decentralized and hosted by all of us. My smart device should be using a fraction-of-a-fraction of its wasted computational work to host a server that millions if not billions will use. Every tech company that owns the market wants to drive us away from what Web 3.0 really is, and its working.